ObamaCare! on Dr. Demento!


*** Huge News ***

My ObamaCare Halloween parody song (below) is on this week’s Dr. Demento Halloween show! (how cool is that?!?!?)

Here’s a direct link to the Dr. Demento site:
Dr. Demento (official site)

It’s airing as the grand finale of a 2-hour episode… Streaming direct from the Dr. at $2 for the whole show, and there are also monthly and yearly subscription if you’re truly deeeemented 😉

… and below is a re-posting of the song and lyrics – Enjoy!


(a Halloween parody song)

written and voiced by Joe J Thomas

*** Download the ObamaCare Halloween Parody MP3 Here! ***
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The Incredible BellyMan!


The Incredible BellyMan!


written and drawn by Rich Stimac
voiced by Joe J Thomas

Often I’m asked (and by often, I mean never) “Hey Joe! What was your first voice over?”

Funny you should bring that up!

When I was younger, I was fat. No, not “pleasingly plump”, or “gravity challenged”, just fat. Back then, it was ok to be called that, before all the Politically Correct nonsense took over… but I’ll save that for another post! 😉

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The Great Unsubscribe!


The Great Unsubscribe!

a poem by Joe J Thomas

Classes! Deals! Special Offers!
Designed to fill the seller’s coffers
From these my in-box overflows
When will they stop? No one knows!
I will end these desperate pleas
The needy masses who push their cheese
Delete! Purge! Unsubscribe!
Please do forgive my diatribe
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RoboCall? RoboAnswer It!


RoboCall? Robo-Answer It!


The RoboAnswer Audio (play this when you get a RoboCall):


      Download the RoboAnswer MP3 Here!

The Story:

I’m in my home studio recording an audition when the phone rings.
Thinking it might be my wife, I answer:

Me: Hello?
RC: This is an urgent message about your available credit. Would you like to lower your monthl…
Me: (mashing every button on the phone while simultaneously swearing)
RC: Hi. This is Todd. Are you calling to learn how to lower yo…
Me: Actually, Todd, I’d like you to remove my number from your call li…
RC: (click. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppp…)
Me: (mashing every button on the phone while simultaneously swearing)
Me: (slamming down the phone) Aaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!

If only there was some way I could do something about these blasted RoboCalls!
Wait a sec… I’m a voice actor!
I can do something.
And that’s how RoboAnswer was born!

The next time you get any kind of mind-numbingly boring sales or other call, just play the above clip into the phone. Be sure to put it on repeat, then just walk away!

For your convenience there’s also a link to the MP3 file under the player.

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The Minotaur and the Grain of Rice


The Minotaur and the Grain of Rice

a children’s story written and voiced by Joe J Thomas

The Minotaur and the Grain of Rice


—— ~~~~~~ ——

Once upon a time in the land of Spostabe, there was a minotaur named Kevin.

Like all minotaurs, his name was required to start with a “K”.

When Kevin reached the age of 18, his father, Kyle, put him in charge of guarding his very own maze. Continue reading


Commercial Break


Commercial Break

Hey! Kids!

Time for a short commercial break here at Joe’s Dump…

First up, how about a trip to the carnival? But this is no ordinary circus – this one’s filled with household appliances:
Mechano Carnival


Next, an offer you really can’t refuse, from a, uh, reputable business at an undisclosed location:
Jiffy Stiff

Lastly, a stolen bit of nostalgia that never existed (extra points if you can guess where this is from 😉 ):
Gravity Conservation


All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: JoeActor.com



Advice on Advice


Advice on Advice



Advice: it’s everywhere on the internet. People have questions, and others are more than willing to give answers. But are the answers good? Are the questions even good? How can you know if advice is worth the network it’s written on?

There are two sides to the advice coin: The person who asks for advice, and those that answer the requests. Each side has factors that can make the advice valuable… useless… or in some cases worse than no advice at all.

Let’s cover some helpful hints for both sides of the advice coin!
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It Arts So Good


It Arts So Good

with your host Aruba Borealis

Outstanding In My Field by Aruba Borealis

Outstanding In My Field
by Aruba Borealis

—— transcript ——

Hola, and welcome to “It Arts So Good”.

I am your gracious host, Aruba Borealis, your guide into the fascinating world of the art.

Come with me as we explore what is, and what is not, the art.
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