Foolish Fools and the Fools Who Fool Them



Happy April Fool’s Day!

This week’s post is a pithy collection of a dozen quotes about fools.

If you have a favorite that you don’t see here, please add it in the comments…

Joe Kerr


Better a witty fool than a foolish wit.
— William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?
— Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope


The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.
— Samuel Butler, Notebooks


If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.
— W. C. Fields


They that are fated to be fools, have one consolation, that they are fated also to be ignorant of it.
— Norman MacDonald, Maxims and Moral Reflections


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
— Douglas Adams


Don’t approach a goat from the front, a horse from the back, or a fool from any side.
— Jewish Proverb


Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.
— Anon. (or maybe Plato ;-))


A fool follows his own wisdom and makes his own mistakes but a Wise man learns from the mistakes of fools.
— Luelle Davis


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
— Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain or ?!?!?
(click here for more info)


You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool Mom. She’s pretty nice and she’s pretty smart. If you listen to Mom you won’t go far wrong.
— Captain Penny (click here for more info)


Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will want to use it.
— George Bernard Shaw



Poll: Where Does Your Pet Sleep?


Where Does Your Pet Sleep?

Nez (Jan 2011)

Ahhhh, morning!

I wake up, but my arm is still asleep. Why? Because there’s a cat on it, of course…

Nez (pictured above) was a very shy, skittish cat we got from a local shelter. She hid under the couch for the first 2 months, before moving cautiously to being under the coffee table. Now, as you can see, she’s very comfortable being out and about. Nez is a very sweet kitty, but not very zen (hence the name 😉 ).

Over the years, there have been over a dozen animals in various houses, and each with their own personality and quirky ways. Some like to sleep on the bare floor, some on carpet, in a pet bed, or even an old cardboard box.

Where does your favorite animal buddy like to sleep? Please let me know on the survey, and leave a comment if you have a special story…


[yop_poll id=”2″]


Are You a Good Waiter?


Watching Waiters Work

by Joe J Thomas

My wife and I are “foodies”… that is, we eat at restaurants quite a bit. To be fair, her palate was miles beyond mine when we met, but I am gradually catching up. Naturally, over time I’ve become more discerning – of the food, the atmosphere, and especially of the service.

Good service can keep me coming back just as sure as bad service can drive me away. And that’s what led me to the following introspective question:

“Am I a Good Waiter?”

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that being successful in business hinges on many of the same qualities I admire in a good waiter. Continue reading


Cat Day Afternoon


Cat Day Afternoon

… a true story by Joe J Thomas



  • Nez: (inside cat, IQ 168, cute factor A+)
  • Nekotard: (outside cat, IQ 5, cute factor C-)
  • Me: (dog-human, IQ dropping, cute factor “ask my wife”)

Time: Just after lunch

Me: (thinking) gotta knock some stuff out … laundry, shave-shit-shower, back to work
Nez: keck keck keck
Me: not on the carpet (moves Nez to the hardwood floor…) Continue reading


Bananas! on “It’s SCIENCE!” with Professor Joseeum


Bananas! on “It’s SCIENCE!

narrated by Professor Joseeum


Welcome, class, to another episode of “It’s SCIENCE!” with Professor Joseeum

I am Professor Joseeum, and today we will be discussing the endlessly fascinating topic of Bananas! Continue reading


H. H. Family Restaurant Commercial


H. H. Family Restaurant Commercial


Good evening. I’m here to talk to you about some very serious issues facing mankind, and offer a fun, tasteful solution to all of them. Ever since the end of the global economy there have been many changes. Overpopulation, environmental concerns, the homeless, illegal immigrants, and of course the sick and elderly, just to name a few. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to help Mother Nature “cull the herd”? And why can’t that way benefit the rest of us?

Well, here at “Happy Hannibal’s Family Restaurant” we aim to do just that!
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Cash Goggles and ROI Rage


Cash Goggles and ROI Rage

Gordon Gekko said “Greed is good” in the movie Wall Street, and too many of us still believe it. Whether it is an overt thirsting for cash, or an underlying subconscious belief that somehow money is equal to success, the endless pursuit for material wealth has a detrimental effect on us, our society, and our world.

“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” [1]
When the world is viewed through Cash Goggles, everything relates to money. Now, don’t get me wrong. I think that the concept of money is a fantastic idea – otherwise we’d still be using the barter system, trying to figure out how many bushels of wheat an iPod is worth. However, the obsession we’ve developed by having a single focus on Return On Investment (ROI) has put virtual shackles on our minds and creativity. There are many, many more worthy goals and measures of success than the almighty dollar. In short: We need more tools in our tool box.

“After all, they are in business to make money…”
I can’t tell you how many time’s I’ve seen this worn-out “gem” pop up in conversations online. Frankly, it’s just an excuse for why companies and individuals do greedy things. If you have ever uttered this phrase, then your Cash Goggles are firmly bolted onto your head. Success in business should not rely solely on ROI. Yes, money is a concern. But by making it a primary reason for your business to exist, you are fostering a mindset that will allow bad choices and greed to take over. What happened to focusing on the craft of a business? Where has true quality gone? Money should be a side-effect of having a quality-driven mindset in business.

The old quote of “Build a Better Mousetrap and They’ll Beat a Path to Your Door” has sadly become “Build a Mediocre Mousetrap, Brand It, Market the Hell out of It, and Wait for the Cash to Roll In!” 

We buy cheap fast food, and are astounded when it is quite literally killing us.
We demand cheap products, but want high-paying jobs… then are shocked at how many jobs are taken by foreigners or sent overseas. We have become an iWant society. Buying for the sake of buying … or to be hip, cool, or cutting edge. “Do I need it?” isn’t asked. “I want it!” is stated instead. It’s a selfish, short-sighted, wasteful mentality, and it is far more dangerous to our continued existence than a host of other media-hyped causes… because it undermines our vision and morals as a society.

… are you suffering from “ROI Rage”?

We frequent services and businesses because they give us a good ROI, but rarely look to see if it’s a company worthy of our support.
This is where capitalism breaks down.
It’s up to us, each and every one, to be more selective of the companies we support, and the products and services we buy.

Obscenely wealthy Wall St brokers, corrupt lobby-bribed politicians, and CEOs with bloated salaries and super-sized severance packages – they thrive because of our actions and our inaction. We create them through our purchases, our voting, and by allowing ourselves to be led like lambs to the slaughter.

Take the time. Make the effort. Look at the world and see it with your own eyes. Do you know why you believe something? Or is it just because it’s what you were told, or how you were raised? Think with your own mind. Decide what is the right thing to do. Then take action to make it a reality.


all content written by Joe J Thomas – online at:


1. Paraphrased from a quote by Abraham Maslow


From Whence It Came


From Whence It Came

by Joe J Thomas



A summer night, I strolled the beach
The moon it hung just out of reach
The ocean breeze was warm and calm
That night I walked beneath the palm Continue reading


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Adramelech Advertisement



Feel Different... With Adramelech!


If your daily routine has you feeling all too normal, perhaps it’s time.

Time for Adramelech.

Adramelech has been proven to reduce or increase a wide variety of unspecified conditions in individuals reporting such issues.

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The Positive Power of Negative Thinking


The Positive Power of Negative Thinking

Negative events/people/thoughts can have a significant place in a positive, productive life. Now I don’t mean in the “everything happens for a reason“, or “it’ll turn out good in the end“, or even “mysterious ways” type of thinking … No! That’s just more newage nonsense. I mean that negative things can be very valuable in and of themselves.

I know we’d all like the world to be a smurfy, double-rainbow sky, fluffy-kitten-puppy unicorn-filled wonder land, but sometimes that nasty ol’ Mr. Reality butts his head in to say “Hey! How y’all doin’?” How we view these negative things, and what we do in response can have positive results.

Let me do some ‘splainin’, Lucy…

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