Yearly Archives: 2017
Henderson and Havner: episode 23!
Henderson and Havner, episode 23 – “The Status Quo Returns”
H&H get their snoop on with Captain and Chiefy, and uncover surprising information! Also Dr. Anderson is around for some reason.
Listen to episode 23 of this exclusive series from Pendant Productions:
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Brown Derby Jump (cover song)
Brown Derby Jump
This week I’m posting a cover version of “Brown Derby Jump” by Cherry Poppin’ Daddies.
I like to keep my singing chops on par, so I try to challenge myself with new material. On this song, I found the timing of the words and music to be very interesting.
Hope you enjoy it!
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at:
Additional Voices
Additional Voices
If you look through my IMdB page you might notice a couple of roles that just say “Additional Voices”. Believe it or not, those are some of my favorite gigs. The other cast members on these productions usually tend toward the stellar. Here’s a few examples where you’ll only see “Additional Voices” in the credits:
- Walla Work
When movies and TV shows need filler voices and miscellaneous noises in the background, that’s called Walla. A group of people known as a “Loop Group” are all in one session and become all of the people in a restaurant, or at a county fair, or even running from a Kaiju. (Yeah… It’s a lot of fun!) - Minor Characters
These may be characters in the script with only a handful of lines. They interact with the main characters and move the story along. The shopkeeper. The waiter. Old artist at the park. It’s a great way to play a variety of roles in one session. - Voice Matching
When the original actor is not available for pickups in the post-production phase of movies and TV, an impersonator may be hired to fill in. This also happens when studios want to try a variety of different dialog as scratch tracks before calling in the star to record. It is a very niche field, to be sure. Always a challenge and really exciting to perform. Since the original actor gets the credit for the main role, the impersonator is often credited as “Additional Voices”
So… I’m proud to be “Mr Additional Voices”!
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at:
A Moment Of Silence
The Improv Trick
The Improv Trick
Hey Voice Actor gang!
I’m always recommending Improv as a great tool for voice acting. It helps you to quickly interpret copy, build characters, react to situations and more.
So, if you’re near Los Angeles, check out “The Improv Trick“. It’s run by Second City alum Bill Chott (IMDB page here), and has classes in Sherman Oaks and Pasadena.
Anyone can take the sample class for $20 to try it out. PLUS! If you sign up for the Lifetime class and showcase you can take it again whenever you’d like FREE!
They also have periodic Improv Jam sessions that you can jump in on to practice.
Check out the website for more info at:
… and if you’re not in LA, be sure to look into Rebecca’s Improv for VO (ImproVO), run via Skype at:
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at:
Henderson and Havner: episode 22!
Henderson and Havner, episode 22 – “A Short Tropical Interlude”
What could possibly ruin the perfect honeymoon? The stars of our show, of course.
Listen to episode 22 of this exclusive series from Pendant Productions:
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Puppet Flamenco

This gallery contains 5 photos.
Puppet Flamenco (click any picture for full-size) All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at:
Artistic Erosion
Artistic Erosion recently acquired
Now, if you’re not in the voiceover industry, that probably doesn’t mean anything. The upshot is that VoiceBank was a professional clearing house for VO demos and gigs through agencies, whereas Voices is a Pay-To-Play service with questionable business practices that will let anyone with the yearly fee in the door. Not exactly the news a professional VO wants to wake up to.
But let me spell out how it is the continuation of a disturbing trend. Not only in the US, but in many Western cultures around the globe.
One of humanity’s greatest traits is our adaptability… But it can also be our greatest pitfall. It allows us to change when adverse scenarios are thrust upon us. We normalize to them. And that allows us to continue with our lives. However, when presented with a series of ever worsening scenarios, we may adapt so well that we lose the big picture. We forget what it was like when things were better. Therein lies the danger… (more about adaptability here)
In this case, we’ve allowed art, in many forms, to be eroded in our culture. From the defunding of artistic institutions, foundations and museums, to the devaluation of arts in our schools and communities. As a people, it seems we value money, objects, sports, and junk food much more than artistic pursuits.
So, why does this matter? After all, we can get along without the arts, can’t we?
I would argue that arts and science are essential to the continued well-being of any civilization. Art feeds the soul, and science fuels the mind. Both are tied together to create innovation and advancement in society.
By stripping Art and Science out of our culture, we’re left with a teeming mass of consumers… ones who will rely on others to innovate, create, and produce what they are buying. They are easily controlled and ripe for being conned into whatever those in power want them to believe.
The solution lies in our own hands. Create. Innovate. Stand up for yourselves as artists or scientists. Don’t bow to the cut-rate offers and five-dollar sites that are growing like mold online. Have some pride and self-respect for your talents and creations. Spread Art and Science where you can. Dispel hoaxes and nay-sayers.
Becoming a “Great Country” depends on the citizens and what they value. Time to be the change you want to see…
There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art, science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science, art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous.
— “Great Thought” (19 February 1938), published in The Notebooks of Raymond Chandler (1976)
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at:
Vacation Time
Vacation Time
When’s the last time you took a real vacation?
I know it’s been way too long for me. But based on my history, that’s par for the course. I’ve never been one to regularly take weeks off. Just the occasional long weekend.
So, I’ve got a real vacation coming up in a short while add thought it would be good to think about it in advance…
How much work? That’s a tough question when you are an independent contractor. I work whenever there is work to do. That being said, I also need balance. Time to relax. I’ll be letting anyone I regularly work with when I’ll be off, and when they can expect me back. I’ll also limit my work time to twice per day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, to check emails, record and reply. If possible, auditions only. Work can wait!
What to do on vacay? I’ll look into local sites and restaurants in case there are a few I really want to go to, but overall I’ll relax and play it by ear. Go with the flow, baby!
Other plans? I do have a few appointments setup to handle some personal business at my destination. Most of these will be planned well in advance. This will allow for the maximum amount of free time between, and avoid any rushing around. I hope!
Equipment? For your VO Pros, you’re probably wondering what I take along for recording. Well, I’ll be reviewing a great mic choice and software for your phone in a future post. As for room noise and echo, it’s the pillow fort or rental car for me. No need to cart around an expensive extra piece of luggage, IMO.
So, how do you handle your vacation time?
All content written and voiced by Joe J Thomas online at: