The Future SUCKS!!!

—— Transcript ——
Hello? Hello?!? Can you hear me?
My name is Zed-5937 and I am from THE FUTURE!
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—— Transcript ——
Hello? Hello?!? Can you hear me?
My name is Zed-5937 and I am from THE FUTURE!
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*** News Flash! ***
Recently unearthed Sherlock Holmes POEM and VIDEO … FOUND!
Can’t get enough Sherlock Holmes? The answer is Elementary!
See below for two (2), count ’em TWO new Sherlock Holmes mini-stories:
First up, a rare Poem –
The strangest case you never heard
Has not been told till now
When Sherlock Holmes, not once but thrice
Bespoke a wedding vow Continue reading
1) Most Numbered Lists Are Numbered
2) Sharing A List Can Make You Feel Smarter
3) 74% Of Lists Contain Unfounded Statistics
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… and now…
Number 10:
Asked his stylist to get rid of his gray
Number 9:
Wanted new headshots – thought it was required
Number 8:
Needed to remove hair after a failed Guinness bubble-gum disaster
Number 7:
Ran out of shampoo
Number 6:
Due to recent consumer confusion over terms like “celebrity“, “personality“, and “star“, the FDA has decided to enact mandatory labeling of all performers.
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Lyrics and Singing by Joe J Thomas
(as: Motif “Bluesman” Thomas)
The holidays are upon us! What better way to celebrate than with a brand-spankin-new holiday song… My gift to you – Enjoy!
*** Download “Herbert the Homicidal Turkey” MP3 Here! ***
~~~ Lyrics ~~~
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Often I’m asked (and by often, I mean never) “Hey Joe! What was your first voice over?”
Funny you should bring that up!
When I was younger, I was fat. No, not “pleasingly plump”, or “gravity challenged”, just fat. Back then, it was ok to be called that, before all the Politically Correct nonsense took over… but I’ll save that for another post! 😉
Classes! Deals! Special Offers!
Designed to fill the seller’s coffers
From these my in-box overflows
When will they stop? No one knows!
I will end these desperate pleas
The needy masses who push their cheese
Delete! Purge! Unsubscribe!
Please do forgive my diatribe
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Hola, and welcome to “It Arts So Good”.
I am your gracious host, Aruba Borealis, your guide into the fascinating world of the art.
Come with me as we explore what is, and what is not, the art.
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“Bitter Love”
You little cabbage
Mon petit chou chou
You’re good for me
I always knew Continue reading